On the 3th of June 2014 P.D. Dr. Belinda Plattner achieved the venia docendi at the Paracelsus Medical University in Salzburg. The topic of her habilitation was Child and Adolescent Psychiatric aspects of delinquency: psychiatric disorders in detained juveniles. The focus of Belinda Plattner is the treatment of incarcerated juveniles and juveniles in the aftermath of incarceration. Her research work focused on clinically relevant aspects of psychopathology in delinquent youth. Since the beginning of EFCAP she is an encouraged member and she has been active in her home country to speak for better treatment conditions for detained juveniles. Throughout her career she has worked at the Stanford School of Medicine, US; Medical University Vienna, Austria; Child and Adolescent Forensics, University Zurich, Switzerland and at the Paracelsus Medical University, Austria.
Habilitation Belinda Plattner