
Incarceration as a stressful transition in life: experiences of incarcerated juvenile delinquents
Chairs: Chijs van Nieuwenhuizen & Robert Vermeiren

Juvenile adjustment to imprisonment
André M. Van der Laan, The Hague
Promotive factors and group living climate in secure residential youthcare
Peer Van der Helm, Leiden
Quality of life among incarcerated youth with severe psychiatric problems
Charlotte Barendregt, Tilburg

Trauma, psychosocial adversities and criminal behaviours in children and adolescents (Part 1)
Chairs: Cornelia Bessler & Theo Doreleijers

Stress awareness and coping skills in adolescence and criminal outcomes in adulthood
Marcel Aebi, Zürich
Adolescents presenting adverse life situations and conduct disorders in the French-speaking part of Switzerland
Michael Renk, Neuchatel
Trauma exposure, psychopathology and types of offenses in detained juveniles
Belinda Plattner, Zürich
Adaptation to a cruel environment Appetitive Aggression and its relation to trauma spectrum disorders
Roland Weierstall, Reichenau

Aggression management as a crucial component in the development of the forensic therapeutic environment in an adolescent forensic unit
Chairs: Sabine Tremmery & An de Decker

Forensic psychiatric health care: how to create a therapeutic environment for the treatment of severe emotional and behavior problems within compulsory care?
Sabine Tremmery, Kortenberg
The clinical relevance of forensic psychodiagnostical testing before admission to the treatment trajectory
Mieke Kunnen, Kortenberg
Psychomotor therapy as a functional therapy in a forensic psychiatric unit for adolescents
David Bruyninckx, Kortenberg
Aggression management on a forensic psychiatric unit for adolescents
An de Decker, Kortenberg

Community Forensic Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (FCAMHS) in the United Kingdom: what they do and why they are liked
Chairs: Peter Misch & Yolanda Devine

Development of a comprehensive, regional community forensic adolescent mental health service
Nick Hindley, Oxford
Delivering mental health to young offenders in an inner London borough (including a short film about Lewisham ARTs service)
Philip Collins, London
Pathways for young people into and out of an Adolescent Forensic Medium Secure Unit from a service user and career’s perspective
Bernard Moynihan, London
Training in child & adolescent forensic psychiatry in the UK: structure, scope and trainee perspectives
Oliver White

Do all Roads lead to Rome? Lessons from comparing different Forensic Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service Delivery Models in Europe
Chairs: Abdullah Kraam & Paula Phillips

Setting up community forensic child and adolescent mental health services in UK
Abdullah Kraam, Wakefield
Norway’s response to youth violence
Christian Svenningsen, Drammen
Inpatient and outpatient adolescent forensic services: the Swiss model
Christian Perler, Basel
What can we learn from each other?
Berit Ritchie, Wakefield

Trauma, psychosocial adversities and criminal behaviours in children and adolescents (Part 2)
Chairs: Cornelia Bessler & Renate Schepker

From trauma to aggressive impulsivity – case studies with male adolescence perpetrators
Gunnar Neuschäfer, Bolligen-Bern
Adverse life events and adolescent delinquency – is there a predisposition for trauma related disorders resulting from the own crimes?
Renate Schepker, Ravensburg
Interrelationships among interal trauma, posttraumatic stress symptoms and mental health problems, in a sample of girls in compulsory residential youth care
Laura Leenards, Amsterdam
The role of traumatisation in young antisocial and delinquent youngsters
Ulrich Preuss, Brandenburg

Empirical evidence from Europe and the US for mental health screening in juvenile detention
Chairs: Thomas Grisso & Sue Bailey

Psychometric properties of the Spanish version of Massachusetts Youth Screening Instrument – second version (MAYSI-2)
Carolina Moreno, Barcelona
Mental health screening with the Massachussetts Youth Screening Inventory in Dutch Juvenile Justice Institutions: reliability and validity
Natasja Hornby, Zutphen
Validity of the Massachusetts Youth Screening Instrument-2 (MAYSI-2) in the UK
Sue Bailey, London
MAYSI-2 mental health screening: evidence for its reliability and validity
Thomas Grisso, Worcester, MA
The use of the MAYSI in the pilot project clarification and goal attainment in Swiss youth welfare and juvenile justice institutions
Simon Schlanser, Ulm

Treatment-outcome of Aggression Replacement Training in a scientific perspective
Chairs: Tijs Jambroes & Han Spanjaard

Washington State Aggression Replacement Training: working principles of a prescriptive group training for young offenders
Bas Brown, Amsterdam
Do neuropsychological characteristics predict aggression treatment outcome?
Sanne Oostermeijer, Duivendrecht
The influence of callous-unemotional traits on effect of Aggression Replacement Training in Disruptive Behavior Disorders in a high secure childhood welfare institution
Tijs Jambroes, Duivendrecht
Effective treatment of aggression for adolescents in clinical and non clinical settings
Kirsten Smeets, Nijmegen

Organization and coordination of adolescent forensic care in the province of Antwerp (Belgium)
Chairs: Dirk van West & Astrid Janssens

The wraparound approach in the systems of care
Astrid Janssens, Antwerp
Inreach or outreach? A model of child and adolescent psychiatry care to arrested youngsters in Belgium
Sarah van Grieken, Geel
Differentiation in problems of target populations in adolescent forensic child and youth psychiatry in the Province of Antwerp (Flanders/Belgium)
Tony De Clippele, Antwerp
Why? Because I ask you to. A description of relational influences in the treatment of young offenders with relational disabilities
Caroline Debruyne, Geel

Diagnosis and therapy of conduct disorder and comorbidities
Chairs: Andrea Ludolph & Paul Plener

Diagnosis and phenomenology of conduct disorder
Paul Plener, Ulm
Imaging Data in conduct disorder – helpful for diagnosis?
Sigve Aadalen, Ulm
Conduct disorder and autism – predisposition to delinquency?
Daniela Hagmann, Ulm
Anti-aggression training in a child and adolescence psychiatric setting for young offenders – a worthwhile therapy?
Andrea Ludolph, Ulm

Family therapies for delinquent adolescents: research, practice and future opportunities
Chairs: Kees Mos & Thimo van der Pol

Identifying common elements of evidence-based family treatments for adolescents’ disruptive behavior problems
Brigit van Widenfelt, Oegstgeest
Criminal patterns for delinquent adolescents: does therapy have an impact?
Thimo van der Pol, Oegstgeest
Implementation of MDFT in Finland
Leena Ehrling
Applying MDFT to closed juvenile justice institutes in the Netherlands
Kees Mos, Den Haag

Personality disorders in delinquent adolescents
Chairs: Susanne Schlüter-Müller & Klaus Schmeck

The impact of ality traits on the treatment of delinquent adolescents
Klaus Schmeck, Basel
Infanticide – from ality disorder to alturistic motives: typologies – psychiatric assessment
Renate Schepker, Ravensburg
Infanticide of a female adolescent with a severe ality disorder: a case study
Susanne Schlüter-Müller, Frankfurt am Main

Changing the traditional approach to psychoeducational group-based interventions for anti-social youths
Chairs: Daniel Rijo & Carolina da Motta

Do we really need another intervention program for antisocial youths?
Daniel Rijo, Coimbra
The emotions behind early maladaptative schemas
Carolina da Motta, Coimbra
What changes? Improvements on emotional regulation, self-efficacy and self-concept
Daniel Rijo, Coimbra
One step further: outcomes of the GPS in a young adult prison inmate sample
Carolina da Motta, Coimbra

Can the study of neurobiological processes help design new interventions for antisocial youths?
Chairs: Stephanie van Goozen & Marc Allroggen

Emotion recognition deficits in young offenders
Katharine Bowen, Cardiff
Effects of emotion recognition training on mood and behaviour
Marcus Munafo, Bristol
Towards therapeutic applications of neurofeedback through real-time functional imaging
Isabelle Habes, Cardiff
Digit ratio modulates effects of testosterone on social behavior and moral reasoning
Estrella Montoya, Utrecht

How can we use standardized measures and science to improve daily practice and vice versa
Chairs: Lieke van Domburgh & Anke Verlaan

Implementation of routine outcome monitoring in a Dutch youth care agency: using results in daily practice
Anke Verlaan, Barneveld
International research about the SAVRY: some conclusions for practice
Henny Lodewijks, Zutphen
Making collaboration between scientists and clinicians from a closed juvenile justice institution work: lessons learned from implementing an academic collaboration program
Eva Mulder, Zutphen
How do you fare after treatment in a closed treatment facility?
Lieke van Domburgh, Zutphen

Pilot project Clarification and Goal Attainment in Swiss Juvenile Justice and Youth Welfare Institutions – final results and political implications
Chairs: Michael Kölch & Marc Schmid

Introduction to the Model Project: clarification and goal-attainment in Swiss Youth Welfare and Juvenile Justice Institutions (MAZ.) – design of the study and description of the sample
Bettina Breymaier, Basel
Children, adolescents and young adults looked after by authorities – a high-risk population? Epidemiological results of the MAZ. study
Nils Jenkel, Basel
Effectiveness of residential care in Swiss youth welfare and juvenile justice institutions – longitudinal results of the MAZ. study
Simon Schlanser, Ulm
Summary and implications of the pilot project Clarification and Goal Attainment in Swiss Youth Welfare Juvenile Institutions
Marc Schmid, Basel

The impact of ADHD on delinquent and antisocial behavior in young male and female offenders
Chairs: Michael Rösler & Susan Young

The role of ADHD in the development of delinquency: report from the Iceland study
Gisli Gudjonsson, London
Impact of ADHD on delinquent behavior in young male and female offenders
Michael Rösler, Homburg
Critical incidents in adolescent incarcerated offenders with ADHD
Susan Young, London

Where do they belong? Characteristics and treatment needs of young people with mental disorders ruled by the juvenile court
Chairs: Freya Vander Laenen & Michael Kölch

Characteristics of minors with mental disorders at the juvenile court in Flanders
Sofie Merlevede, Ghent
The trajectories of adolescents under juvenile justice in the forensic child and youth psychiatry settings in Flanders
Tony De Clippele, Antwerp
The characteristics of young offenders in a forensic psychiatric hospital in Flanders
Frederik Bellens, Temse
A distinct profile? Comparison of the characteristics with the international literature
Leen Cappon, Ghent <

Psychopathic traits in preschoolers: a developmental perspective is needed
Chairs: Patricia Bijttebier & Klaus Schmeck

Can psychopathic traits be meaningful measured in preschool children? Test of the child problematic
Laura Lopez-Romero, Santiago de Compostela
Callous-unemotional traits and their role in understanding the heterogeneity among children with conduct problems
Henrik Andershed, Örebro
Psychopathic traits in preschoolers: associations with temperament, early school adjustment and peer relations
Patricia Bijttebier, Leuven

Prevalence and novel interdisciplinary approaches for adult ADHD offenders: a UK context
Chairs: Marios Adamou & Michael Rösler

Prevalence of adult ADHD in a UK probation service
Marios Adamou, Wakefield
Prevalence of adult ADHD in a UK women’s prison
Susan Keoghan, Wakefield
Occupational needs of young offenders with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Mandy Graham, Wakefield
Social adaptaton of offenders with adult ADHD
Lisa Pollock, Wakefield

Juvenile sex offenders: characteristics
Chairs: Jan Hendriks & Lisette ´t Hart-Kerkhoffs

Moral judgment of young sex offenders with and without intellectual disabilities
Eveline van Vugt, Amsterdam
Psychopathic traits in juvenile sex offenders
Cyril Boonmann, Duivendrecht
Autism Spectrum Disorder Symptoms in juvenile sex offenders
Lucres Nauta-Jansen, Duivendrecht
Juveniles convicted of sexual hands-on offenses or of pornography offenses: a comparison of demographic and criminal characteristics
Marcel Aebi, Zürich

The link from psychopathy to delinquent behavior in adolescence
Chairs: Marc Schmid & Christina Stadler

Psychopathic ality traits, empathy and delinquency in a Swiss sample of institutionalized children and adolescents
Claudia Dölitzsch, Ulm
The factor structure and validity of the German YPI in a pepresentative Swiss community sample
Tania Pérez, Basel
Incarcerated juvenile offenders with callous-unemotional traits: phenomenology of daily emotional and relational experiences
Pihet Sandrine, Lausanne
Heterogeneous psychometric profiles of young offenders
Felix Euler, Basel
Facial mimicry in 6-7 year olds with disruptive behavior disorder: influence of high versus low callous-unemotional traits
Peter Deschamps, Utrecht

Complex needs, multisystems & promising interventions for young offenders
Chairs: Sue Bailey & Simone Fox

An introduction to multisystemic therapy in the UK
Simone Fox
MST in practice: what works well and what is more difficult
Simone Fox
How does the delivery of multisystemic therapy to adolescents and their families challenge practice in traditional services in the Criminal Justice System?
Zoë Ashmore, Petersborough
An interim report on an integrated intervention for use with young people with complex needs in the secure estate, using a case series design
Miranda Casswell

Reward and punishment sensitivity in antisocial populations: using neuroimaging and psychophysiological methods to inform clinical practice
Chairs: Graeme Fairchild & Arne Popma

Altered reinforcement sensitivity in children with ODD and ADHD: evidence from a decision-making paradigm
Marjolein Luman, Amsterdam
Reward and fear conditioning in young offenders: relations with behavioural problems and psychopathic traits
Joanne Morgan, Cardiff
Neural substrates of reward and avoidance learning in Conduct Disorder
Graeme Fairchild, Southampton
Fear conditioning in adolescents with persistent versus desistent patterns of early-onset Disruptive Behavior Disorders: a functional MRI study
Moran Cohn, Duivendrecht

Juvenile sex offenders: reoffending and risk assessment
Chairs: Lucres Nauta-Jansen & Cyril Boonmann

Juvenile sex offenders: mental health and reoffending
Lisette ´t Hart-Kerkhoffs, Amsterdam Risk factors measured by the BARO in pre-court and pre-treatment juvenile sexual offenders
Verena Klein, Hamburg Differences in the prevalence and impact of risk factors for general recidivism among different types of juvenile sex offenders and nonsexual offenders
Claudia van der Put, Amsterdam
Diversity in treatment of juvenile sex offenders
Jan Hendriks, Amsterdam

Standardized mental health screening in juvenile justice facilities: a researcher’s dream or an attainable goal?
Chairs: Pauline Vahl & Thomas Grisso

Comprehensive health screening and assessment for young people in the secure estate
Louise Theodosiou, Manchester T Suicide and self-destructive acts in juvenile prisons: an inter-institutional research ITLE
Ugo Sabatello, Rome
Does mental health screening in juvenile justice fulfill its potential?
Thomas Grisso, Worcester, MA
From “nonsense” to “indispensable”: growing acceptance of structured mental health screening by clinicians in juvenile justice facilities
Christine Pronk, Oegstgeest

A window into the mind: the neuropsychological status of young people assessed in a specialist forensic out-patient clinic
Chairs: Peter Misch & Maxine Sinclair

Neuropsychological deficit findings and their significance
Laura Lunt, London
Empathy erosion, ASD and psychopathy
Maxine Sinclair, London
Head injury, ADHD and anti-social behaviour
Richard Church, Southall
Forensic formulation and risk management
Peter Misch, London

Child abuse and neglect and state’s response: international comparison
Chairs: Thomas Meysen & Heinz Kindler

Epidemiological and socio-legal definitions of child maltreatment
Andreas Jud, Luzern
Mandatory reporting, professional confidentiality and self-reporting: international comparison of requirements and practice
Thomas Meysen, Heidelberg
Threshold for interventions without parental consent: legal concepts in Europe
Heinz Kindler, München
Hearing of the child in German family court proceedings
Michael Karle, Tübingen

Mental disorders in adolescents high at risk for offending
Chairs: Frank Häßler & Detlef Schläfke

Mental disorders of juveniles and young adults as patients at a hospital of forensic psychiatry
Detlef Schläfke, Rostock
Psychopathological and comorbid disorders among adolescent inmates in Mecklenburg-Western Pommerania
Frank Häßler, Rostock
Mental disorders and gender differences in adolescents in stationary welfare service – a high risk group?
Claudia Engel, Rostock
Abuse of alcohol and its association with mental health in adolescence
Steffen Weirich, Rostock

E-Learning applications about “sexual child abuse” as training tools for educational, health care and pastoral professionals
Chairs: Hubert Liebhardt & Susan C. A. Burkhardt

Development of an E-Learning curriculum “sexual child abuse” – web-based, quality-assured and interdisciplinary education and training module for teaching and health professions
Johanna Niehues, Ulm
An internet-based analysis of the training resources for educational and health care professions in matters of “sexual child abuse” in Germany
Anja Krauss, Ulm
A randomized and controlled study to compare the different didactical issues of learner settings in preventive E-Learning courses for sexual abuse
Myriam Kiefer, Ulm
Results of a feasibility study for the establishment of an E-Learning centre “Sexual Abuse of Minors” in the Catholic church
Hubert Liebhardt, Ulm

Trauma, victimisation, and young female delinquency
Chairs: Geert Jan Stams & Peer Van der Helm

Trauma and psychiatric disorders as risk factors for the development of ality disorders in previously detained girls: a prospective study
Anne Krabbendam, Leiden
Sex differences in the relation between sexual and physical abuse victimization and neglect and sexual and nonsexual violent offending
Claudia van der Put, Amsterdam
Empathy and behavioral problems in girls
Marita van Langen, Amsterdam
Aftercare for girls in secure residential youth care, a systematic review
Juliette Sonderman, Leiden

Treatment of young girls with severe behavioural problems
Chairs: Geert Jan Stams & Peer Van der Helm

An insight into gender differences in residential care
Karin Nijhof, Hoenderloo
The effects of a cognitive-behavioral program on anger management and aggression among justice-involved adolescent females: an 18-month follow-up
Nadine Lanctôt, Longueuil
Sexual abuse, sexual risk-taking with girls and treatment outcomes
Eveline van Vugt, Amsterdam
Evaluation of the implementation of the first version of the “Range-model”
Elly van Laarhoven, Utrecht

Interdisziplinäre Kinderschutzgruppe der Charité
Chairs: Sibylle Winter & Loretta Ihme

Interne Kooperation bei Verdacht auf Kindeswohlgefährdung
Stefanie Märzheuser, Berlin
Interinstitutionelle Zusammenarbeit bei Kinderschutzfällen
Wiebke Siska, Berlin
Qualitätssicherung im medizinischen Kinderschutz
Loretta Ihme, Berlin
Integration in das Medizinstudium
Sibylle Winter, Berlin

Psychische Gesundheit und Kriminalität bei Kindern und Jugendlichen
Chairs: Cornelia Bessler & Renate Schepker

Neurobiologische Grundlagen aggressiven und delinquenten Verhaltens bei Kindern und Jugendlichen
Christina Stadler, Basel
Ein entwicklungspsychopathologisches Modell von Kriminalität im jungen Erwachsenenalter: Resultate einer repräsentativen 15-jährigen Längsschnittstudie im Kanton Zürich
Marcel Aebi, Zürich
Psychopathologie und Komorbidität bei jugendlichen Gefängnisinsassen
Belinda Plattner, Zürich
Evidenz basierte Behandlung für Jugendliche in Unterbringungen
Peter Tischer, Basel

Arbeit mit dem Täterumfeld
Chairs: Peter Tischer & Wolfgang Weissbeck

Deliktorientierte Familientherapie von jugendlichen Straftätern
Gunnar Neuschäfer, Bolligen-Bern
Systemische Psychotherapie bei delinquenten Jugendlichen
Susanne Eschmann, Solothurn
Erste stationäre jugendforensische Abteilung der Schweiz in Basel
Tanja Vollenweider, Basel
Therapiekonzept der neuen jugendforensischen Station in Basel
Peter Tischer, Basel

Situation des Jugendmaßregelvollzuges im deutschsprachigen Raum
Chairs: Aglaja Stöver & Wolfgang Weissbeck

Klinik für Forensische Psychiatrie des Jugendalters und der Adoleszenz: Vorstellung der ersten Klinik des Jugend- und Heranwachsendenmaßregelvollzuges in Deutschland, Berlin
Patricia Proske, Berlin
Jugendmaßregelvollzug in Deutschland in der Übersicht
Wolfgang Weissbeck, Klingenmünster
Therapie im Maßregelvollzug in Rostock
Peter Keiper, Rostock
Maßregelvollzug für Jugendliche im Kontext einer Klinik für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie, Phasen in der Behandlung jugendlicher Sexual- und Gewalttäter
Falk Burchard, Marsberg