EFCAP organized two symposia about Adolescent Forensic Research and Psychiatric Services across Europe at the ESCAP congress in Madrid (2015). You can find the two…
Read MoreEFCAP organized two symposia about Adolescent Forensic Research and Psychiatric Services across Europe at the ESCAP congress in Madrid (2015). You can find the two…
Read MoreP.D. Dr. B. Plattner achieved the venia docendi at the Paracelsus Medical University in Salzburg. The topic of her habilitation was Child and Adolescent Psychiatric aspects of delinquency:
Read MoreThe 4th EFCAP Congress Youth, Risk and Mental Health: Multiple Roads to Recovery took place in Manchester from the 7th until the 9th of May 2014. For more information, check the website: www.efcap2014.com.
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