EFCAP is the European Association for Forensic Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, Psychology & other involved professions, with members from countries in Europe as well as other countries. EFCAP was founded in 1997 at a notary’s office in The Hague (Chamber of Commerce number: 33298871). On November 19th 1997 the Constitution of the EFCAP Association was adopted. Since 1997, no official changes have been made.
The aims of EFCAP are:
- to improve facilities and to facilitate joint international scientific research to promote interdisciplinary training and interdisciplinary education.
- to exchange data obtained from research and to exchange practical experiences and innovative research and treatment methods.
- to gather information on and to contribute to national and European policy, in so far as this policy affects young people.
- to raise awareness of the need for constant change in the criminal and civil justice systems, so as to provide as well as possible for the interests and the development requirements of children and young people.
EFCAP is represented by the Board. The Board is supported by the Advisory Board and the Office. Furthermore, Finland, Switzerland and The Netherlands have national EFCAP groups, and national groups in Portugal and Switzerland are in development.. Moreover, the UK Royal College of Psychiatrists Adolescent Forensic Psychiatry Special Interest Group closely collaborates with EFCAP.