Multidimensional Treatment Foster Care
Saskia Moonen (Salvation Army, Utrecht, The Netherlands)
Forensic observation, evaluation and treatment: a new initiative in the Netherlands
Ronald Visser, Ellie Trossel & Nils Duits (NIFP, The Hague, The Netherlands)
Initial test of a fourth generation risk-need assessment instrument for children and adolescents with or at risk for antisocial behaviour: ESTER
Jennie Fredriksson, Rickard Ahlberg, Steve Berggren, Marika Holmstrom, Ida Eriksson, Henrik, Andershed & Anna-Karin Andershed (Örebro University, Örebro, Sweden)
Effective components and principles in interventions for young children with or at risk for conduct problems – A systematic review
Marika Holmström1, Pia Enebrink2, Anna-Karin Andershed1, Jennie Fredriksson1 & Henrik Andershed1
1Örebro University, Örebro, Sweden;
2Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden;
Evaluation of social programs with integrated approaches to quality in an organization dedicated to children, youth and families vulnerable
Barranco Carmen1, Casañas Cyril2, Garcia Dolores1, Gonzalez Carlos2 & Perdomo Javier2
1Universidad de La Laguna, La Laguna, Spain;
2Centro de Programas Sociales, La Laguna, Spain
Antisocial behaviour in adolescents with immigration background: the impact of risk- and protective factors
Julia Feifel, Sonja Rohrmann, Fritz Poustka & Christina Stadler (Universitätsklinik Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Germany)
Continuity, comorbidity and longitudinal associations between depression and antisocial behaviour in middle adolescence: A 2-year prospective follow-up study
Minna Ritakallio1, A. Koivisto2, B. von der Pahlen3, M. Pelkonen4, M. Marttunen4 & R. Kaltiala-Heino2
1NA, Tampere, Finland;
2University of Tampere, Tampere, Finland;
3Department of Psychology, University of Åbo Akademi, Turku, Finland;
4National Public Health Institute, Department of Mental Health, Alcohol Researh, Helsinki, Finland
Self-control and externalizing behaviour in preschoolers: A multi-method and multiinformant study
Cornelieke van de Beek1, Annemiek Karreman2, M. Junger2, M. Dekovic2, M.A.G. van Aken2, C. van Aken2, M. Verhoeven3 & Theo Doreleijers1
1VU university medical center, Duivendrecht, The Netherlands;
2University of Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Screening for mental health symptoms among male juvenile detainees and its predictive validity for recidivism
Manja van Wezep1, Lucres Nauta-Jansen2, Frank Buffing3, Theo Doreleijers4 & Robert Vermeiren4
1Trimbos institute, Utrecht, The Netherlands;
2VU university medical center, department child & adolescent psychiatry, Amsterdam, The Netherlands;
3De Waag, institute for ambulant forensic psychiatry, Amsterdam, The Netherlands;
4VU university medical center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Conduct disorders and emotional problems among juvenile offenders
Vera Bulygina (The Serbsky National Research Centre for Social and Forensic Psychiatry, Moscow, Russian Federation)
Gender differences of the aggressive behaviour in the pre-adolescence period
Artem Degtiarev (The Serbsky National Research Centre for Social and Forensic Psychiatry, Moscow, Russian Federation)
Parents in the lead for need; the surplus value of a working group of experts-by experience
Manja van Wezep1, Mariet Slaats-Gels2, Margreet Dorleijn3, Bernadette Wijnker-Holmes4 & Winneke Ekkel – van der Voorden5
1Trimbos, national institute of mental health and addiction, Utrecht, The Netherlands;
2Forensic Psychiatric Center Veldzicht, Balkbrug, The Netherlands;
3University of Amsterdam, linguistics, Amsterdam, The Netherlands;
4NVA; Dutch Associaton of Autism, Bilthoven, The Netherlands;
5Arbo Unie B.V., Utrecht, The Netherlands